On Sunday, someone punched Kim Kardashian.
That was a really fun sentence to say, but in actuality she signed up for it. Yes, both Kim and her steamy cup of hot chocolate, Reggie Bush, showcased their athletic sylings on national TV Sunday night. Reggie was winning a game that would send his team to the superbowl (GO SAINTS!), while Kim was getting rocked in the face for charity. It was an all around GREAT night for TV!
"Man" of the house, Bruce Jenner, finally got his revenge for being kicked around like a rag doll for the better part of his adulthood last episode when he signed the gang up for a celebrity boxing match. Poor Brucey... all he wants is a little respect (and maybe to get his balls back). Sunday's episode opened with an awards ceremony in Bruce's honor that none of the kids showed up for. Real nice. I'm pretty sure that if it were legal to punch your kids in the face, Bruce would have played Tyson vs. Holyfield with the Kardashian girls a long time ago. Instead, he invited the charitable public to do it for him. Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky.
That was a really fun sentence to say, but in actuality she signed up for it. Yes, both Kim and her steamy cup of hot chocolate, Reggie Bush, showcased their athletic sylings on national TV Sunday night. Reggie was winning a game that would send his team to the superbowl (GO SAINTS!), while Kim was getting rocked in the face for charity. It was an all around GREAT night for TV!
"Man" of the house, Bruce Jenner, finally got his revenge for being kicked around like a rag doll for the better part of his adulthood last episode when he signed the gang up for a celebrity boxing match. Poor Brucey... all he wants is a little respect (and maybe to get his balls back). Sunday's episode opened with an awards ceremony in Bruce's honor that none of the kids showed up for. Real nice. I'm pretty sure that if it were legal to punch your kids in the face, Bruce would have played Tyson vs. Holyfield with the Kardashian girls a long time ago. Instead, he invited the charitable public to do it for him. Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky.
The episode also previewed the fathering skills of Scott Disick, television's skeeviest slimejacket. Surprisingly enough Scotty boy's parental instincts weren't completely fucked. Ugh! Something in that guys very being makes my skin want to jump off and take shelter in an armored safe box. Is it the silk smoking jacket? The pretentious air about him? The complete lack of regard for anyone but himself? Hmm... on second thought it must be the name...