Sunday, January 17, 2010

Buzzkill Status: Flatline.

Paging Dr. Shephard... We have a patient in need of emergency treatment for a mean case of blue balls.

Yes, let's say it all together: "Womp. womp. womp." Watching Thursday's Greys Anatomy was like ordering your favorite takeout only to realize the main course was missing. I wanted meat and potatoes and all I got was a crappy side salad. Who cares that an annoying cardio patient can't choose between a pig and a cow valve? Who cares that Bailey continues to not get any? Who cares if Alex thinks about trading surgery for some much needed nookie with a pre-pubescent looking doctor? Not I.

Though I was thoroughly disappointed with the entirety of the episode, I was most let down with the lackluster return of everyone's favorite gyno, Addison Montgomery. For a hot second there I was so sure I didn't have to wait until Private Practice to see McSteamy rolling around shirtless. This of course reminds me of how much I hate Private Practice. STOP HOLDING OUR OBGYN HOSTAGE, YOU SAD EXCUSE FOR A PRIMETIME DRAMA!

I'm hoping that last week's return from hiatus is the necessary placeholder before something truly heart pounding... much like New Moon in the Twilight saga (I KNEW I'd be able to finally throw a Twilight shout-out in the blog somehow!). In true Grey's fashion, the only action happened in the last :30 seconds of the program... Lexi and Alex get it on... Christina pimps out her boyfriend to keep "cardio god" around... Meredith outs the chief. Hm, the fact that everything always happens at the same time of night on Greys really makes me wonder about Seattle. Maybe the rain, fog and proximity to Forks has created some kind of witching hour. Boredom... boredom... boredom... and BAM!

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